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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0592c72a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-10  |  219KB  |  639x506  |  8-bit (243 colors)
Labels: box | bulletin board | crt screen | grandstand | monitor | plant | shelf | sky | window | windowpane
OCR: THE Money 20 SUP ERIOR EUNDS FOR THE LONG In March. Merrill Brncht high-vicld bond fund was the orly winner Dut roster recommended funds: it was ur 1.8% With. almbst 23% of its assets in Japanese cquities, T. Ruwe Price International iStock fell the most. off 4 aln[orloss] tor 1,1992 Portfallo mahs: MONE One STOCKS Iraoked by five-yearj retim] Type GROWTH Janus Tweuty Mas (3.9) 25.5 117.7 348 Nane 800-525- -8983 AIM Weingarton Gm {5.4} 13.8 92.1 F'9E9 5.5 800-347-2246 Nicholas I! SCG {3.4} 15.8 59.2 Nane 214-272-6133 SoGenlatermational Gro {0.4) 12.6 48 09. 23. 3.75 800-628.0252 TOTAL -RETURN Financiallndustrlal Incore Eq (3.3) 20.2 92.2 497.9 Nona 800-525 8085 United incomc 1.4 14.9 74.4 529.8 8.5 913-236-1303 Investmert tCo.of (2,0) 0.6 65.1 447.2 R TF 0180 PhoenixBalasced Serles (1.4) 9 ...